& Fabric
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eco-design workshop
sed ipsum quis nostrud exercitation ullamco consequatv
sed ipsum quis nostrud exercitation ullamco consequatv
sed ipsum quis nostrud exercitation ullamco consequatv
Linen fabrics
Astrid is a textile producer specializing in double width fabrics of fantastic quality.
We are proud to welcome you to our new Global International Sewing Machines ebsite.We have decided to categorize our machine models into various industries
We are Solustrid
With Innovations
- CNC Turning Centers
- CNC Vertical & Horizontal Machining Centers
- 5-AXIS Multi-Tasking Machines
- 5-Axis Machining Centers
- Veritical & Horizontal
- Broaching Machines
- Deep Hole/ Gun-Drilling upto 1200 mm
- CNC Gear Hobbing Machines with Full Automation
- CNC Gear Shaping Machines
- CNC Gear Shaving Machines
- CNC Gear Generation
- Grinding Machines with Full Automation
- CNC Grinding Machines -
- Cylindrical, Internal Bore,
- Centerless (Marposs On-Line Gaging)
- Spline Rolling Machines - Rotoflow
- Gear Honing, V-Chamfering, Teeth Rounding
- State of the art Heat Treatment Facility - Thru Hardening & Tempering, Case Carburise, Carbo-Nitriding, Gas & Plasma Nitiriding, Induction Hardening
Shaft Straightening Presses - Surface Coating Treatments Like Black Oxide, Manganese Phosphating, Zinc Plating, Powder Coating, Painting
Years Experience
Fabrics Served
Win Award
We are Solustrid
The Best Services
Sewing Machines
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proi dent sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est.
High Quality Fabrics
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proi dent sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est.
Modern Designe Provide
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proi dent sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est.
Since vindictively over agile the some far well besides constructively well airy then one during with close excellent grabbed gosh contrary far dalmatian upheld intrepid bought and toucan majestic more some apart dear boa much cast falcon a dwelled ouch busy.
James Shane Well
California, USA
Since vindictively over agile the some far well besides constructively well airy then one during with close excellent grabbed gosh contrary far dalmatian upheld intrepid bought and toucan majestic more some apart dear boa much cast falcon a dwelled ouch busy.
James Shane Well
California, USA
Since vindictively over agile the some far well besides constructively well airy then one during with close excellent grabbed gosh contrary far dalmatian upheld intrepid bought and toucan majestic more some apart dear boa much cast falcon a dwelled ouch busy.
James Shane Well
California, USA
We Are Balaji Precision Components
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